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Third Annual Little Valley Stake Youth Dodgeball Tournament

When: Every Tuesday evening from January through February. 30-minute games. You must win 2 out of 3 games. Then open play with adults if time permits.

Where: Little Valley Stake Center. 4 or 5 games are guaranteed. Then single elimination tournament. The game will be refereed!

Who: All Youth to represent your individual ward.

Why: Win a trophy to present to your Bishop. The winning ward keeps the trophy for the year.

Objective: Invite all member and non-member youth to build strong relationships. To enjoy a friendly competition between wards. Parents/leaders come to cheer on your youth. Make signs, makeup cheers, and come have fun.

Suggestion: Each ward team decorates a T-shirt with the ward name, favorite number, last name, Theme, scripture etc. Be creative! You could do headbands, wristbands, etc. Make it fun. Dress up if you want to.

Suggestion: For a youth activity night, you could do an activity decorating your team T-shirts, and headbands.

Suggestion: The more youth you have show up to represent your ward, the better chance you have at winning. Hype up this tournament! Send out reminder texts etc.

Good luck to all the wards.